Trip of a Lifetime

This blog is about our trip to Alaska, the Trip of a Lifetime. We have long spoken about such a trip but the timing or the finances were never right. When Tom's father passed away and left a sum of money we were left with the decision of what to use it for that would honor his memory. Certainly not a piece of furniture or home repair. Those things pass out of service and are left curb-side. We wanted a memory that would be with us forever.

And so idea of a trip to Alaska was formed! On a visit to the AAA office in Appleton, I inquired about such trips, explaining that we just were not a "dinner and dancing with the Captain" sort of couple. Existing on a ship that could pass for a small city along with several thousand other passengers, and dressing formally for dinner just did not hold appeal. The brochures from a company named Cruise West caught our eye. As Goldilocks said, this one was "just right!"

My intention was to maintain this blog as we continued on our travels. I failed to take into account the fact that most of the areas we were in had no internet connections available (also no TV or phone!) ... so the remainder of the blog will be an "after the fact" accounting. I hope you enjoy it!


Sunday, August 29, 2010

Taking the train to Anchorage

This train has seats like an airplane, only much more spacious and large windows.  The last train we were on was domed and we were seated at tables of four.  Both have dining rooms downstairs and a bar in service throughout the ride.  A guide narrates the trip. We learned that there are approximately 3 million lakes in Alaska 20 acres in size or greater.  When Nancy Lake, which we passed, freezes in the winter they make a 9 hole golf course on it and play using fluorescent orange balls. You do what you gotta do.

We had a delicious lunch!  Reindeer chili in a sourdough bread bowl, with berry pie made of raspberry, blackberry, strawberry, rhubarb and apple, for dessert. Man! was it ever yummy!

As we entered Wasilla, I noticed a sign on a storefront that just struck me funny:
"GUNS--- LOANS".  Seems a natural combination.

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