Trip of a Lifetime

This blog is about our trip to Alaska, the Trip of a Lifetime. We have long spoken about such a trip but the timing or the finances were never right. When Tom's father passed away and left a sum of money we were left with the decision of what to use it for that would honor his memory. Certainly not a piece of furniture or home repair. Those things pass out of service and are left curb-side. We wanted a memory that would be with us forever.

And so idea of a trip to Alaska was formed! On a visit to the AAA office in Appleton, I inquired about such trips, explaining that we just were not a "dinner and dancing with the Captain" sort of couple. Existing on a ship that could pass for a small city along with several thousand other passengers, and dressing formally for dinner just did not hold appeal. The brochures from a company named Cruise West caught our eye. As Goldilocks said, this one was "just right!"

My intention was to maintain this blog as we continued on our travels. I failed to take into account the fact that most of the areas we were in had no internet connections available (also no TV or phone!) ... so the remainder of the blog will be an "after the fact" accounting. I hope you enjoy it!


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Alaska Bound

(I'm catching up with my writing, so the truth is we have met with our traveling companions in Fairbanks and start the first day of the cruise today.  Our days have been so busy that I haven't taken the time to write here.  I have a small journal I carry everywhere with me, and have extensive notes there... they just have yet to make it to the blog world.  So here goes)

We're in the Minneapolis airport, waiting for your flight to Fairbanks.  Tom has gone in search of ice cream and I am reading the first chapter of "Winter Garden", a book my sister in law, Barb, gave me.  I had to laugh because the people with E-books have to turn them off on take-off/landing and I can just keep reading my old fashioned version!  My lists have proven  very successful.  Not only do I believe I was able to somehow squeeze, poke and prod three works worth of clothing into one 50 pound bag, but I was able to get it done on time!  We purchases two large duffels at Sam's Club, with wheels and a handle.  My trusty  and well-traveled purple hard sided suitcase weighed in at 15 lbs, which didnt leave much room for clothes.  Tom pulled out his fish scale and though the bags were possibly a couple pounds over, and I held my breath at check-in, they passed!  I did bring an extra bag in the van in case we would have had to split the overage.

I had the list of things to be done, broken into half-hour increments.  At the last minute I decided to fit my camera backpack into a carry on suitcase, so that I could fit more and also use the extra bag for storage. We said good-bye at the seminar and off we went, even arriving early at the airport!

The first leg of the journey, from Green Bay to Minneapolis, was on a horrid little plane.  Two reasonably sized persons can't sit next to one another without not only touching but being physically intimate. It was hot-- stiflingly so-- and we were served a half glass of tepid water and choice of Delta cookie/peanuts/pretzel.

The second flight was 5-6 hours long.  It felt longer!  I remember when flying was special and travelers were treated well, instead of being herded and cramped like cattle on a livestock transport. I could at least straighten my legs on this flight but was in constant contact with the gentleman on my right, who, by the way, was not sociable.  There were no pillows. A sandwich meal costs $8.  When the flight attendant excitedly announced that they had Ben & Jerry's ice cream for dessert you knew what came next... for $2. The Orlando-based flight crew was friendly and entertaining, however, which served to take a little of the pain away.  I slept a little and read my book after an attempt at conversation with my "neighbor" was met with one word responses. It definatley was not like sitting next to someone like my father. Or me.  The flights have nothing to do with the cruise package except a means of getting us there, but since I am writing about the entire trip I might was well whine a little! Did I mention this was a Delta flight?  Heck, I guess I should just be happy the flight attendants didn't open the hatch and escape! (can you say Jet Blue?)

I saw mountain peaks peeking out from the clouds as we approached Fairbanks.  We also saw what looked to be thousands of acres of burned and burning forest, with the red glow of still active fires. We were told it was the result of lightning strikes, a common occurrence.  It was unusual to look down and see so much undeveloped land.

Fairbanks is a small, friendly airport.  It reminded me of a rustic Green Bay airport. A Cruise West rep was there with her sign and greeted us warmly, offering suggestions of things to see.  And then we were off to find our rental car...

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