Trip of a Lifetime

This blog is about our trip to Alaska, the Trip of a Lifetime. We have long spoken about such a trip but the timing or the finances were never right. When Tom's father passed away and left a sum of money we were left with the decision of what to use it for that would honor his memory. Certainly not a piece of furniture or home repair. Those things pass out of service and are left curb-side. We wanted a memory that would be with us forever.

And so idea of a trip to Alaska was formed! On a visit to the AAA office in Appleton, I inquired about such trips, explaining that we just were not a "dinner and dancing with the Captain" sort of couple. Existing on a ship that could pass for a small city along with several thousand other passengers, and dressing formally for dinner just did not hold appeal. The brochures from a company named Cruise West caught our eye. As Goldilocks said, this one was "just right!"

My intention was to maintain this blog as we continued on our travels. I failed to take into account the fact that most of the areas we were in had no internet connections available (also no TV or phone!) ... so the remainder of the blog will be an "after the fact" accounting. I hope you enjoy it!


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Tanana Valley State- August 9 "Barn in the USA"

Billed as a State Fair, this is really more like one of our County Fairs, perhaps even a little smaller. I didn't try any of the fried food on a stick.  I'm still gunshy about that fair fare after an episode of campylobactor last year.  I did see a booth selling Alaskan cheese curds. That is just WRONG. I definately have to ship back some Wisconsin cheese curds to Debbie Eberhardt, as I have been teased unmercilessly about them.  Heck, I might even throw in a cheesehead hat!   At any rate, she told me about an awesome hockey quilt on display, so of course, we had to go.

There was giant produce on display and the requisite 4H type crafts and food products but we watched the quilt show.  Two women wearing white gloves carefully turned the hung quilts as a third woman read their descriptions and "back stories."  I do have to be careful about asking for someone's "back story" by the way, which must highlight my advanced media awareness, as I received a very puzzled look from one woman who thought I was asking about her sore back!  The hockey quilt was commissioned by the player's mother and had his numbers in the corner and was made up of his old hockey jerseys, with an appliqued hockey player in the center.  Another amazing quilt was a bargello (don't ask me what that means) of the aurora borealis that was made as a wedding gift by a bride to her husband.  We sat on folding chairs in a little building like a Town Hall and loved every minute of it!

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